Pittsburg Mayor Chuck Munsell provides 2021 State of the City Address
City Press Releases
October 25, 2021

PITTSBURG, KS – Pittsburg Mayor Chuck Munsell released his 2021 state of the city address video this week. In his address, the mayor discusses how the local economy is performing after an unprecedented year in 2020, and spotlights some local small businesses that have been resilient despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic.
“In my time serving the citizens of Pittsburg, I have seen our community celebrate many triumphs and weather many storms. But the past two years has topped them all,” says Munsell. “In many ways, 2021 has been an extraordinary year. Despite the pandemic, the City of Pittsburg sales tax revenues are going up. New businesses are relocating to our community and businesses are expanding. Another challenge to the city as well as other businesses face, is finding employees that want to work.”
Munsell acknowledged city employees in all departments who worked 24/7 to serve the citizens throughout the pandemic.
“The city, like all businesses, had to adapt to COVID restrictions. I want to thank all our city employees for the services they provided during these trying times,” said Munsell. “I want to recognize our employees that worked in utilities, water, streets, and the emergency responders that couldn’t work remotely and had to come in every day of this pandemic. Also, a thank you to the workers that were able to work from home.”
Munsell’s state of the city address focuses on three local businesses that were especially impacted by COVID restrictions, and found creative ways to serve customers and take care of their employees.
“Our small, locally-owned businesses in Pittsburg have worked especially hard during the pandemic,” Munsell said. “Today, I want to highlight a few of these businesses and the people behind the scenes who work so hard to provide for their families and employees, and offer services to our community.”
Munsell’s video follows the stories of business owners Lori Horton of Celebrations by Lori, Rick Parsons of Bob’s Grill, and Sara Narges of Sara Loree’s Bridal & Formal. Each business owner shares how they adapted to the challenges of the pandemic and the ways the community of Pittsburg rallied behind them.
“It’s examples like these that inspire us and remind us what a wonderful community Pittsburg is,” said Munsell. “I want to express my gratitude to the citizens of Pittsburg for the opportunity to serve you. 2021 has been a remarkable year and we have much to look forward to.”
The 2021 State of the City Address is now available to view on the city’s YouTube Channel, Facebook page, and on Cox Channel 6 and CrawKan Channel 406.
The mission of the City of Pittsburg is to provide exceptional services, facilities and activities with integrity, professionalism, excellent customer service and a commitment to economic vitality.