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Tax Calculator

Property tax rates are based on mills and are assessed through a mill levy. One mill is equivalent to one dollar for every thousand dollars of assessed property value.

To calculate your estimated property tax bill, you need to know the approximate appraised value of your property. The total value of the house is then multiplied by 11.5% for residential property, or 25% for commercial/industrial property, to determine the assessed property value.

Therefore, a house appraised at $100,000 would have an assessed value of $11,500 ($100,000 X 11.5%). The City’s portion of the property tax on this house would be $592.70 ($11,500/1,000 X 51.539).

Mill Levy information is accurate as of 2/28/2016.


Property Tax Calculator

Appraised Value:
Please only use numbers, no punctuation.
Property Type:


Assessed Value :


City of Pittsburg


Crawford County


USD 250


State of Kansas


Wildcat Ext. 14




Xmpt Sch Gen


The Property Tax Calculator above only gives an estimate of your property taxes. The estimated amount should not be used to determine what your property taxes will actually be.  For more information regarding the Propery Taxes please contact the Crawford County Treasurer. Please click here to visit the website


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