South Pacific follows the lives of U.S. military men, nurses and residents of a Polynesian island during World War II, based on James Michener’s Tales of the South Pacific and featuring a score by Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Available Performance Dates/Times:
Friday, July 19 – 7:30PM
Saturday, July 20 – 2:00PM
Saturday, July 20 – 7:30PM
Sunday, July 21 – 2:00PM
South Pacific follows the lives of U.S. military men, nurses and residents of a Polynesian island during World War II, based on James Michener’s Tales of the South Pacific and featuring a score by Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Available Performance Dates/Times:
Friday, July 19 – 7:30PM
Saturday, July 20 – 2:00PM
Saturday, July 20 – 7:30PM
Sunday, July 21 – 2:00PM